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Self Knowing Test
Our target participants: To all the people who are willing to listen and who are looking for a deeper meaning in life. Test Self Knowing is an essential tool for: - Reflect on yourself and life that surrounds us, - Develop an inner awareness, - Understand the rules and psychic characters of a new scientific discipline called "PSICOSOFIA" ©. Purpose of Test Test SELF KNOWING © is a tool to learn how to travel in their own Psychic Universe and in the mental world and to understand the experience of oneself and of others. Test SELF KNOWING © is an indispensable tool to develop a training course PsicoSofia © (logo) Test SELF KNOWING © is structured on three routes that allow the detection and psychological development:  1) of PERSONAL EMOTIONS in their representativeness and dynamism. multiplicity, inside the 'Psychic Universe built from the individual; 2) the PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS, both in size and deep inner structures than as an expression of their potential if the psychic; 3) the PSYCHO-SOCIAL ATTITUDES, as a manifestation of their moods and personality styles as communicative interaction with others. Self Knowing Test
Institute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training
I.S.P.E.F. Psychology
licensed by Ministry of Instruction, University and Research of Italy  D.M. 177/2000
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