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Institute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training
I.S.P.E.F. Psychology
licensed by Ministry of Instruction, University and Research of Italy  D.M. 177/2000
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Our target participants: * Education Educational psychologists and psychopedagogists. .
Course’s Goals •	Develop the acquisition of pedagogical models and techniques that allow them to implement an educational intervention in tune with the motivation, skills and personality characteristics of each pupil; •	Acquire knowledge tools for detecting and analyzing psychological characteristics in the relationship between teachers and pupils and between pupils and the class group; •	Learn effective communication techniques to foster communication education; •	Become aware of the basic emotional states •	Understanding the social interactions and psychological dynamics that develop in a class •	Knowing the attitude of teachers and educational understanding the evolution of interactions and learning styles in the classroom; •	Acquiring the ability to listen-observation through the development of mental processes of attention and processing •	Know and be able to use scientific tools to observe patterns s-listen
The course aims to develop and upgrade the professional skills of Psychologists of Education Schools of all levels who want to improve in their field. Training Course Title Certificate of Qualification "Expert in Education Psychology” Course Period:  300 hours (60 hours in class, 80 hours of e-learning, 80 hours of stage, 80 hours of formative path’s documentation) It is possible to attend the course entirely on the e-learning platform Course Fee:    500 € (350€ if by E-Learning) (Books and lecture notes included) ENTER THE WEBSITE
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copyright © I.S.P.E.F. Via Comparetti, 55a - 00137 Roma (IT) tel. +39.06.86890061  fax +39.06.8275589 info@ispef .it COD. FISC. 97143880587  P.IVA 10964511009