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Institute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training
I.S.P.E.F. Psychology
licensed by Ministry of Instruction, University and Research of Italy  D.M. 177/2000
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Our target participants: Anyone who is interested and motivated to deepen their knowledge of their own mental world.
Course’s Goals •	Acquire a method of investigation and a set of techniques for psychological intervention; •	able to develop a self-psychological; •	understand the emotions to grasp so deep feelings, emotions, desires that determine and characterize the development of personality and relational life; •	include the ability to act independently and creatively, following their own choices experiential; •	develop an awareness and an inner psychic empathy as a process of maturation and personal growth; •	learn to feel good about themselves and with others; •	acquire the interest in the recruitment of ideals and values​​, and in this area develop the ability to evaluate, choose, to make decisions. •	acquire social and educational tools to detect and develop the emotions and the psychic world, the characteristics and styles of personality, attitudes and psychosocial positive relations; •	develop the mental processes related to "understand" (empathy, intuition, imagine), other than mental processes of "understanding" (the only rationality and technique); •	acquire knowledge and awareness that promote the construction of meaningful social relationships and engaging.
The course aims to develop the skills to learn how to travel in their own mental world and to understand the experiences of others, structured on the following three routes: 1. The Universe of Emotions, 2. Psychical the Structure of Personality, 3. Attitudes psychosocial. Training Course Title Certificate of training as  "Counselor of Wellfare" Course Period:  300 hours (60 hours in class, 80 hours of e-learning, 80 hours of stage, 80 hours of formative path’s documentation) It is possible to attend the course entirely on the e-learning platform Course Fee:    500 € (350€ if by E-Learning) (Books and lecture notes included) ENTER THE WEBSITE
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copyright © I.S.P.E.F. Via Comparetti, 55a - 00137 Roma (IT) tel. +39.06.86890061  fax +39.06.8275589 info@ispef .it COD. FISC. 97143880587  P.IVA 10964511009