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I.S.P.E.F. Psychology
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SCA Certification Student Certification Assessment
Our target participants: Everyone with a bachelor degree or any equivalent title that want a recognition of their Master/Course competences can require SCA Certification. SCA Certification Student Certification Assessment - Recognition of competences and skills learned by Master/Course students Validity:  3 years (annual renewal)  Fee:Contact us for information Certification’s Goals The SCA Certification is a recognition for a student that: - is specialized, capable of analyse and intervene in his working area. Doing so, he contribute to a qualitative development of the Social Community of Knowledge and to personal realization in the social and economic reality. - has knowledge, skills and theoretical and technical competences that allow him to solve professional problems in bodies-institutes-companies with which University/Body collaborates. - is ready to act technically, use professional tools, run testes and make offers to answer to requests of working, social and cultural context. ENTER SCA WEBSITE