The Project "EDUPSY - EUROPEAN PSYCHOLOGY FOR QUALITY EDUCATION SCHOOL AND TRAINING SUCCESS "(" Educational Psychology action to ensure the Quality of Schooling and Educational Success) stems from:- Reduce early school leaving youth- Employability of young graduates in psychology (within 34 years) with ARM in the professional world through counseling and intervention services in the schools.The Project "EDUPSY want to accomplish the following priorities:1 to promote excellence in education and vocational training school2 Improve the PERFORMANCE of students at risk of dropping out of school and with low basic skills3 Strengthen SKILLS ACROSS for the employability of students school (initiative, skills, and language)6 Strengthening the PROFESSIONAL PROFILE of all roles of teachingThe Project EDUPSY is therefore proposed to help introduce elements related to the Quality of Basic Education, the psychosocial well-being of students, families, teachers and the school management and social community where schools operate within the Learning Community and the Company and the complexity of the knowledge of the twenty-first century.EDUPSY The Project aims to outline the professional profile, model, methodologies and tools of intervention and psychological services in the school, so as to constitute a common European educational space and to satisfy the need of learning and success training of students, school teachers and professional trainers; wants to make a STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION, TRAINING AND YOUTHThe aim is to link the national and European institutions that currently exist in order to create a specific network EDUPSY - Psychology of Education that analyzes, studies, research, experience, and values spread good practices in interventions and services in psychology school, taking into account:- The characteristics and contexts of each country,- Evaluation of processes and outcomes initiated,- Validation of interventions and services in the different countries,- The activation of advice for the certification of professional skills.